Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A realistic estimate

Part of my own problem with getting laid off is the uncertainty associated with it. I tend to like my life to be scheduled so I can get a handle on things like finances, free time and whatever else might come my way.

When I first got the news I had no idea how long, realistically, I could expect to be unemployed.

But my former employer has helped me out a bit in that department, by assigning an independent HR guy to review resumes and talk about job prospects with all us folks that were hit in this round.

I met with him for the first time yesterday and asked that question. The answer? Give or take a little time, and there's no guarantee, but generally it takes about three months to find a new gig if you work at it.

That helps in a way, because it lets me estimate how long my savings will last along with the unemployment.

He also looked over my resume and gave me some helpful information - which will probably change my resume and clip site a little as I start analyzing it. That site, by the way, is www.nmwriter.com.

The other thing I'd like to get a handle on is how much my unemployment payments will actually be. But since I have yet to see one, that hasn't happened.

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